Brittany Cardwell
This week we are joined by Brittany Cardwell. Brittany is a standup comedian based in Brooklyn, New York. She produces two weekly shows: AMBUSH COMEDY, with Josh Johnson and Lucas Connolly, Wednesdays at Two Boots Pizza in Williamsburg, and DRULE COMEDY, with Claire Alexander & Liv Amerling, Thursdays at Fette Sau BBQ in Williamsburg. Also, Brittany cohosts the podcast, Worthless Clowns, with Ali O’Neil. Make sure to check her out!
In this episode we discuss growing up in Washington State, hanging out in Walmart parking lots, wanting to be a “flute girl,” bedroom decor, Napster, writing pretend SNL sketches as a child, having a PhD, and so much more. You don’t want to miss our discussion about Brittany’s obsession with horses as a kid. Give this episode a listen!
Recommendations From The Episode:
The Awesome Importance of Imagination - By David Brooks (The New York Times)
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