Joe Bates
This week we are joined by Joe Bates! Joe is an NYC based comedian. He hosts a monthly comedy show called Golden Ticket Comedy Show with our very own Alone at Lunch host, Emily Walsh! He also has a comedy album called Joe Bates Joe Bates Joe Bates and a podcast called Video Game Pizza Party. Make sure to check it out!
In this episode we discuss moving around a lot, making friends later in life, wedding guest lists, spending time alone as kids, crying at movies on airplanes, and so much more. You don’t want to miss our discussion about Joe’s Christmas experience that should be turned into a Hallmark Movie. Give this episode a listen!
Recommendations From The Episode:
Follow Joe Bates: @joebatescomedy
Follow Carly: @carlyjmontag
Follow Emily: @thefunnywalsh
Follow the podcast: @aloneatlunchpod
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